Angelika Epple How Has the Practice of Comparing Evolved Over Time?

Angelika Epple is a Professor of History and Vice-Rector for International Affairs and Diversity at Bielefeld University. A spokesperson for the Collaborative Research Center, Practices of Comparing: Ordering and Changing the World, Epple’s main areas of interest include the history of globalizations, the Americas as space of entanglement(s) and the theory of history. Epple has held numerous advisory and editorial roles including at the journals Neue Politische Literatur (NPL) and Localities, based in Busan, South Korea.

Area of Research

History of Globalisation, The Americas as Space of Entanglement(s), Practices of Comparisons, Theory of History, Comparative International Historiography, Higher Education Didactics: Open-Space-Methodology

since 2017

Spokesperson of the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 1288: Practices of Comparing: Ordering and Changing the World

University of Bielefeld (Universität Bielefeld)

since 2015

Vice-Rector for International Affairs and Diversity

University of Bielefeld (Universität Bielefeld)


Vice Speaker of the BMBF

University of Bielefeld (Universität Bielefeld)

since 2008

Full Professor of History (19th and 20th Century)

University of Bielefeld (Universität Bielefeld)


Senior Lecturer

Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg)


Assistant Professor

Universität Hamburg



University of Duisburg-Essen (Universität Duisburg-Essen)

Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut/Essen


First State Examination

Free University of Berlin (Freie Universität Berlin)


Studies in History, Literature, Philosophy and Educational Sciences

Free University of Berlin (Freie Universität Berlin)


Studies in Spanish Language and Culture

Max Planck Society

Max Planck Institute for Meteorology

- Co-editor of the series Beiträge zur Geschichtskultur (Contributions to Historical Culture), Böhlau-Verlag (2017)

- Co-editor of the Journal "Neue Politische Literatur" (NPL) (2011)

- Co-editor of the series: Historische Einführungen, Campus-Verlag


- Postdoctoral Fellowship, German Historical Institute, London (GHIL) (2006)

- Postdoctoral Fellowship, German Historical Institute, Washington D.C.

- Scholarship of the Ministry of Science in North Rhine-Westphalia (1999)

- Scholarship of the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (KWI), Essen (2000)

Research has shown that the practice of comparing is determined more by the actors doing the comparing than by the phenomena being compared. In this video, focusing on Cuba in the long nineteenth century, ANGELIKA EPPLE explores how comparisons based on race and skin color evolved in parallel with the changing makeup of that society. With contemporary discourse witnessing an upsurge in race-based comparisons keen to present themselves as natural, Epple’s work importantly foregrounds the fact that they are, in reality, historical and constructed.

LT Video Publication DOI:

Practices of Comparing. A New Research Agenda Between Typological and Historical Approaches

  • Angelika Epple and Walter Erhart
  • Practices of Comparing. Towards a New Understanding of a Fundamental Human Practice
  • Published in 2020
Angelika Epple and Walter Erhart. "Practices of Comparing. A New Research Agenda Between Typological and Historical Approaches." In Practices of Comparing. Towards a New Understanding of a Fundamental Human Practice Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2020: 11-38.. doi:10.14361/9783839451663-fm.

Calling for a Practice Turn in Global History: Practices as Drivers of Globalization/s

  • Angelika Epple
  • History and Theory
  • Published in 2018
Angelika Epple. "Calling for a Practice Turn in Global History: Practices as Drivers of Globalization/s." History and Theory 57, 3 (2018): 390-407. doi:10.1111/hith.12071.

Die Welt beobachten - Praktiken des Vergleichens

  • Angelika Epple and Walter Erhart
  • Die Welt beobachten - Praktiken des Vergleichens
  • Published in 2015
Angelika Epple and Walter Erhart. "Die Welt beobachten - Praktiken des Vergleichens." In Die Welt beobachten - Praktiken des Vergleichens Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag, 2015: 7-31.