Simeon Schudy Do People Tend to Behave Dishonestly in Groups?

Simeon Schudy is Professor of Behavioral and Experimental Economics at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich. He is journal referee for various publications, such as the American Political Science Review, the European Economic Review or the Journal for Public Economics. From 2009 to 2012, he was Research Leader of the project ‘Energy Investments and Heterogeneous Preferences’ at the Thurgau Institute of Economics, funded by the Swiss federal office of energy. In 2015, he received the Distinguished Teaching Award of the Ludwig Maximilian University Munich.

Area of Research

Experimental and Behavioral Economics

Urs Fischbacher, Simeon Schudy and Sabrina Teyssier. "Heterogeneous Reactions to Heterogeneity in Returns from Public Goods." Social Choice and Welfare 43 (2014): 195-217.  
Urs Fischbacher and Simeon Schudy. "Reciprocity and Resistance to Comprehensive Reform." Public Choice 160 (2014): 411-428.  
Björn Bartling, Urs Fischbacher and Simeon Schudy. "Pivotality and Responsibility Attribution in Sequential Voting." Journal of Public Economics 128 (2015): 133-139.  
Urs Fischbacher, Gerson Hoffmann and Simeon Schudy. "The Causal Effect of Stop-loss and Take-gain Orders on the Disposition Effect." (2014).  

since 2016

Professor of Behavioral and Experimental Economics

Ludwig Maximilian University Munich (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)

Department of Economics


Assistant Professor

Ludwig Maximilian University Munich (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)



University of Konstanz (Universität Konstanz)



University of Konstanz (Universität Konstanz)



University of Konstanz (Universität Konstanz)



University of Konstanz (Universität Konstanz)

- American Political Science Review

- European Economic Review

- European Journal of Political Economy

- Experimental Economics

- Games and Economic Behavior

- Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management

- Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics

- Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

- Journal of Public Economics

- Judgment and Decision Making

- Management Science

- Nature Energy

- Scandinavian Journal of Economics

- Southern Economic Journal

- American Economic Association

- European Economic Association

- Economic Science Association

- Society for Experimental Finance

- Verein für Sozialpolitik


- Alumni-Preis der Lehre (Distinguished Teaching Award, LMU Munich) (2015)

- Scholarship by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg (2010)

- LBBW Immobilien Distinguished Teaching Award (University of Konstanz) (2009)

- Mobility Scholarship by L’Université Franco-Allemande (2008)

- LMU “Forschungsfond” (Research Grant) (2016)

- LMU “Forschungsfond” (Research Grant) (2015)

In recent years, immoral behavior in firms as well as scandals in the banking sector and non-profit organizations have been widely discussed. Often it is groups rather than individuals who are responsible for these immoral acts. This video presents an economic experiment that investigates whether groups are more likely to lie than individuals; and why this might be the case. As SIMEON SCHUDY explains, significantly more participants behave dishonestly after communicating in a group than individually. The study shows that the possibility to exchange arguments for and against dishonesty makes group members not only more dishonest but also more pessimistic about other people’s honesty. This "dishonesty shift" might explain why unethical behavior can prevail in so many real world institutions and makes it hard to predict (im)moral decisions of groups based on the moral standards each individual group member holds.

LT Video Publication DOI:

I lie? We lie! Why? Experimental Evidence on a Dishonesty Shift in Groups

  • Martin G. Kocher, Simeon Schudy and Lisa Spantig
  • Münchener Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Beiträge (VWL)
  • Published in 2016
Martin G. Kocher, Simeon Schudy and Lisa Spantig. "I lie? We lie! Why? Experimental Evidence on a Dishonesty Shift in Groups." Münchener Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Beiträge (VWL) 8 (2016).