Maren Duvendack Why Does Replication Encounter Such Resistance in Economics?
Dr. Maren Duvendack is a Senior Lecturer in Development Economics in the School of International Development at the University of East Anglia. Having previously worked as a financial analyst in Japan, she has also held a visiting scholarship at the Gujarat Institute of Development Research. Duvendack’s areas of expertise include quantitative impact evaluation methodologies, applied econometrics as well as replication and the reproduction of quantitative analysis. She has extensive developing country experience, including in Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Uganda, Mozambique and Laos.
Area of Research
Development Economics
since 2017
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Development Economics
University of East Anglia (more details)
School of International Development
Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Development Economics
University of East Anglia (more details)
School of International Development
Postdoctoral Fellow in the Director General’s Office on Impact Assessment
International Food Policy Research Institute
Senior Research Associate
University of East Anglia (more details)
School of International Development
Visiting Scholar
Gujarat Institute of Development Research
M.Sc. International Business Economics
City, University of London
Cass Business School
B.A. Economics
Universität Trier
& University of Greenwich (UK)
- Journal of Development Studies
- World Development
- Journal of Development Effectiveness
- Agricultural Economics
- Development Studies Research
- Agrarian Change and the Journal of South Asian Development
- American Economic Association
- Development Studies Association
- British Association of South Asian Studies
- UK Evaluation Society
- etc.
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Claims that less than 10% of published scientific papers can be reproduced have led to increased interest in replication, a process whereby researchers check the validity of published empirical findings. In this video, MAREN DUVENDACK investigates why replication has faced particular resistance in economics. Analyzing some 200 replication studies that have appeared in leading economics journals over the past 60 years, Duvendack highlights a lack of publication outlets for replication studies in the discipline. Identifying the underlying reasons why economics journals remain resistant to replication, Duvendack argues that economics must be more open to innovations originating in other fields (like Registered Replication Reports) if it is to adequately address the reproducibility crisis.
LT Video Publication DOI:
What Is Meant by "Replication" and Why Does It Encounter Resistance in Economics?
- Maren Duvendack, Richard Palmer-Jones and W. Robert Reed
- American Economic Review
- Published in 2017